Duck Confit with Corona Beans, Pancetta and Chanterelles
Pairs well with Barbera
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Duck Confit
6 duck legs
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
8 sprigs of thyme
1 tablespoon of peppercorns (wrapped in cheesecloth or coffee filter)
1 bay leaf
Salt to taste
Duck fat or olive oil (enough to submerge duck legs in)
1. Season duck legs to your liking with salt
2. Place in ziploc with bay leaf, garlic, thyme and just enough olive oil to coat legs
3. Marinate from 4-24 hours and when ready to cook place in oven proof dish that will fit all legs in a single layer
4. Preheat oven to 250F
5. Add peppercorns and olive oil to cover duck legs (if using duck fat heat to liquefy and pour over)
6. Once submerged place covered in oven for 2.5 hours (meat should be on the bone but easy to fall off and no resistance when pierced
7. Allow to cool at room temperature for 45 minutes and then carefully remove from fat without having legs fall apart
8. You can reserve legs till next day to make or continue from this point
9. Strain all fat and reserve ¼ cup to sear duck, reserve remainder in freezer and use the next time
10. Turn oven to 375F
11. Heat ¼ cup of fat in sauté pan over medium-high flame until hot
12. Sear duck legs until golden brown and crispy and then flip over and place in oven
13. Cook until heated all the way through
14. Serve over Corona bean ragu
Corona Bean Ragu
3 cups cooked corona beans or Italian butter beans
¼ lb pancetta, diced
½ lb chanterelle mushroom
1 teaspoon of chopped fresh thyme
1/2 cup chicken broth
¼ cup white wine
3 Tablespoons of butter
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tablespoon of Olive oil
1. Heat 1 Tablespoon of olive oil up over medium heat
2. Add diced pancetta
3. Cook until crispy and strain off fat reserving 2 Tablespoons
4. Heat sauté pan over medium high heat and add 2 Tablespoons of reserved pancetta fat
5. Add chanterelles and cook until they have pushed out all of their water
6. Deglaze with white wine, reduce by half, add stock beans and thyme and heat until hot
7. Turn off heat and fold in pancetta, and butter. Stir until butter is melted.
8. Season to your liking with salt and pepper
9. Serve with Duck confit